2012 jeep grand cherokee uconnect system usb port

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If the fixes below don’t work or if your car isn’t on the list, you’ve got other options, says Michael Crossen, Consumer Reports’ mechanic and longtime master technician. Below, you’ll find detailed instructions for resetting recent infotainment systems in most vehicles from major brands. Then the experts at Consumer Reports’ Auto Test Center put their fixes to the test on our own fleet of test vehicles. We asked automakers to share the instructions they give their own dealerships and service technicians for resetting frozen infotainment systems. While the voice command is packaged with the 430N on most vehicles (and an option on the rest), it cannot be used to operate the navigation system the vehicle. You can do it yourself-and we’ll show you how. Kind of like hitting Ctrl-Alt-Delete or selecting “Force Quit” on a computer, a reboot or reset can stop your car’s infotainment system from acting up or even return it to factory default settings. But occasionally, the fix requires resetting or rebooting your car’s infotainment system. Sometimes fixing the problem can be as simple as unplugging your phone from the USB port and plugging it back in, or turning the car on and off again.

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